Question: Flying between Cebu and Kota Kinabalu

by John Bruce Pedersen
(Depoe Bay, Oregon, USA)

Dear Friends;

I have spent many months diving and traveling through the Phillippines and am going again in year 2010. I will stay mainly in the Visayas and Palawan.

Can I fly from Cebu to Kota Kinabalu in Borneo. Do I need to switch planes somewhere like Hong Kong or is there a direct flight from the Visayas or Palawan to Kota Kinabalu?

Question: How about the opposite approach. Can I fly from Singapore to Kota Kinabalu, back to Singapore and then connect and fly to Cebu? Do you understand. I want to visit both Borneo for scuba Diving and Visayas for diving around Feburary, March, and April.

Please give me the best way to visit both places. Thank you.

Yours truly;

Bruce Pedersen, Diver

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Mar 12, 2015
hey there
by: claire

I think your second approach would be the best considering the amount of stress that you might put into yourself. If you go directly then you might have to wait for a long time. But if you can switch from Singapore then you might not have to wait for long.

Nov 29, 2009
Answer: Flying Cebu / Kota Kinabalu
by: Patrick

SouthEast Asian Airlines (SeAir) started flights between Palawan, Philippines and Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia.

I think they are flying the route 2 or 3 times per week. Check their schedule at

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